The engraving, recently made (2023), focuses on a psychological study: thoughts resemble waves floating in an indefinite space. Without rules and without support, the moral and intellectual faculties of this character weaken. Compromising with principles, he therefore opts for which is more expedient. His gaze is deep and he questions us silently. Be careful, those lips that express a grimace of indignation hide a detestable being... The atmosphere, which plays with the contrasts between the mezzotint and the drypoint, is intriguing and not without elegance.
Copper plate: 191 mm x 123 mm (width x height), 2023
Mezzotint/ drypoint on Bible paper applied on Hahemeuhle paper 300 gr, Charbonnel black ink; sheet size 350mm x 250mm; edition made by the author on a Bendini star press.