This copper, made in 1991, was recently reworked with drypoint to a second state. Here, no imaginary vision or journey into the unknown but a "still life": a tea box and old books stacked on a shelf. It is apparently banal at first impression but observing more carefully, this composition hides a small miracle: with the exception of the support surface, all the lines are oblique. In this game of diagonals that intersect and balance each other, tensions are canceled out. Thus, from this agreement born of chance, the forms offer a harmonious vision. The details, pleasing to the eye, are meticulous. Thanks to the drypoint work, the lights and shadows enhance the chiaroscuro effect. It exudes a calm and silent atmosphere, away from the time and noise of the city. In its simplicity, this small domestic universe reflects the image of a rediscovered beauty.
150.00 €