n.218 The loggia

This mezzotint, dated 1992, introduces us into the loggia of a Roman palace. Without the rigor of the engraved line, the black tones are dominant and sumptuous, the light tones appear velvety. In this perspective enriched by the reflections of the marble on the floor, the contrast between the immobility of a classic world and the movement of the curtains creates an atmosphere of expectation, slight anxiety, like the one we feel before the summer storm.
1992 | mezzotin on copper

Plate: 213 x 259 mm (base x height)

—Printing on Hahnemühle paper, black ink, paper size:  500 x 700 mm

30 signed and numbered copies 1/30-30/30

Edition Alma Charta, Toccalmatto

450.00 €