
This small artist’s book, with a singular format, is part of the « Les heures contées» collection. The cover is made with wooden types and printed with a vertical printing press. Each fragment of writing is composed by hand with movable letters and a full-page engraving enriches the work. The text celebrates the poetic world of Gustave Roud ; a writing of rare elegance, to be discovered.

«Les Heures Contées» collection

French text by Gustave Roud (extract from « Feuillets », Mermod, 1929).  Etching on copper plate by André Beuchat, edition run by the author on a chalcographic press. Text composed in Helvetica movable type.

Dimension: 200mm x 85mm (base x height), 8 pages. Black cover printed with wooden types on a vertical press.

Edition in fifty signed and numbered copies 1/50 - 50/50 + 5 copies out-of-print signed and numbered I / V - V / V.

Edition Alma Charta, November 2019

70.00 €