This vaguely anthropomorphic tower, engraved in 2009, symbolizes the daily journey of every man : « climb » every morning towards light and « descend » in the evening towards the darkness. The set of stairs that embrace the tower accentuates the vertical movement. Velvety blacks and tones ambers communicate a suspended and poetic atmosphere.
2009 | etching/drypoint on copper
Plate: 191 x 254 mm (base x height)
Printing on Hahnemühle paper, black amber ink, paper size: 350 x 500 mm
5 signed and numbered trial proofs (épreuves d'étude) e.e. I/V- V/V + 5 signed and numbered artist’s proofs (épreuves d’auteur) e.a. I/V- V/V + 40 signed and numbered copies 1/40-40/40